Bipolar Disorder: A Guide on Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
In this modern age, people suffer from plenty of disorders and also get better treatments by choosing the best clinics or hospitals. If you struggle with bipolar disorder, then you have to understand something about it. Bipolar disorder is a chronic mood disorder that can cause intense shifts in mood, energy levels and behavior. The major signs of this condition the manic and hypomanic episodes, and people with bipolar disorder also have depressive episodes.
When you have this bipolar disorder, you can get effective bipolar disorder treatment in india that will help you reduce this issue. Here is an excellent guide for you to understand the types, symptoms, causes and treatments for you. It is good to have a look at this guide to know about these things in depth while you require effective treatments to get rid of this bipolar disorder.
What are bipolar disorder and its types?
Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mood disorder and a mental health condition that can cause intense shifts in mood and change patterns and behavior. This disorder can last for days, months, weeks, hours or for a long time. The bipolar disorder types are bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, otherwise known as cyclothymia, and specified and unspecified bipolar, as well as related disorders. These are the different types of bipolar disorder that affect individuals.
Look for the symptoms of bipolar disorder:
Here are the symptoms of mania or hypomania:
- Increase in energy and activity
- Feeling of restlessness
- Good Europhic or high-mood
- Racing thoughts, or talking quickly
- Severe irritability
- Difficult in concentrating
Here are the symptoms of hypomania such as the
- Overwhelming sadness
- Low energy and fatigue
- Lack of motivation
- Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
- Loss of enjoyment of things
- Irritability
Here are the signs of the mixed episodes:
- Negative feelings and thoughts
- Feel agitated
- Restless and high-energy
What are the major causes of bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a heritable psychiatric condition if you have a biological relative with bipolar disorder. The other causes for this disorder are changes in your brain and environmental factors like trauma and stress. Scientists are there to perform great research in determining the leadership that these factors have in bipolar disorder and how they may help you prevent its onset, etc.
Treatments offered for bipolar disorder:
The bipolar treatment that you can get by choosing bipolar disorder treatment in india is psychotherapy, medications, self-management strategies like education and identifying the early symptoms of an episode or possible triggers of episodes. This treatment offers helpful lifestyle habits, such as exercise, yoga, and meditation. These can support but not replace the treatment. There is also some other treatments offered for you, such as ECT, that are poorly responsive to medication or where rapid control of symptoms is vital for protecting you from harm.
Lastly, if you need to learn about bipolar disorder, types, symptoms, causes and treatments, the above guide is useful for you. It will help you understand these in depth about these topics and get effective treatments from experienced experts.